Wednesday, 17 August 2011

Evening with Ronnie Kasrils and Trevor Manual

It was just one of those have to do events when I saw that Ronnie Kasrils was going to be in a discussion with Trevor Manual on Ronnie's latest book of 4 years in his late wife Eleanor's life. Arriving at the Book Lounge in Cape Town an hour before the time we had time to browse around and drink a glass of wine. The air was filled with expectation.

In the intimate space of the Book Lounge some were seated on plastic chairs others stood around and waited.

The men were introduced and they started chatting -Trevor Manual posing gentle questions and Ronnie Kasrils answered in honesty and giving more background and details. the story unfolded more and more. Jokes were shared.The audience was involved in the discussions - Dennis Goldblat asked how Ronnie got Eleanor to make a bollemakiesie in politics. This lead to even more tales of soup eating and ballet performances.
Special moments were shared as reference was made to the love side of the love story. Artchbishop Tutu sat silently and listened to it all.

The awareness that I got was that this special group of people gathered here is (which consisted of a couple of heavy weights in the politics past) a group of very special people that fought with integrity wits and style to do what is right. It is almost the end of and era.

Great men who regard values, principles and integrity above all. They fought for what they believed, as Ronnie stated he was a revolutionary, he set out to right the wrong to change things around for the better.

He gave an insight of where it all started when he was 10 years old and looking on to gross wrongdoings while older stronger chose not to see.

Trevor had to handle a very political question posed by some one in the audience regarding when will there be light in the tunnel for those that suffer and is poor. This person asking the question also justified the Tottenham events of looting by saying how else ?

The answer was one based on Tervor's basic beliefs on honesty integrity values and principles. That by no means can looting (taking from someone things that do not belong to you) be justified by any cause.

Ronnie's sensitivity and wisdom was underlined by the fact that he encouraged others to listen to the individual to have compassion. Also is it the special chemistry that takes place when you are in a given situation and your heart suddenly opens for something that determines your purpose as was in the case of Eleanor - a special kind of chemistry takes place when you are at the right place and time and your direction is changed by events to to good to others.

As Trevor said: 'It is all about Ubuntu - respect for one another'.

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